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January 26, 2014



Very interesting what Malini said. Rio mayor Eduardo Paes has been trying to do this, with his Google Hangouts. It's a totally new tack for Brazilians --


After testing if I could comment anonymously, I would like to congratulate you for writing impartially. Generally the opinion of Brazilians, or even foreigners that have lived in Brazil, are biased by contamination from the Brazilian media and the middle and upper classes's negative opinions. I currently am refraining to read even The Guardian and Forbes because they have hired local reporters in Brazil, sure that they are doing the right thing. Before this, I enjoyed truly impartial articles based on serious researches. Now they are useless. The Economist was the first to change its tune and turning its back to Brazil more than a year ago (for a hidden purpose, jealousy?). This is the first article/post I read from you. I hope to like more than one. Oh, well, I am a Brazilian living in Australia for more than a decade.

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