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November 10, 2013



What? Toilet paper!!!! Come on!!! I happen to find toilet paper in Brazil much better than the ones in the US. Go figure!!!


Well done, Rachel. The question is not is on the list, but is there anything NOT on the list? Americans sometimes simply do not appreciate our consumer choices available not only in the stores, but on-line. More ironic is how many of these items are so much less expensive here. Maybe you can tell us if there were particular products that were overwhelming popular requests?

Ian Nieves

E-commerce is being seriously negligent. Net-based suppliers could reap substantial wealth by providing comparatively inexpensive means for Brazilians to obtain the products on your lengthy US vacation shopping list. All they'd have to do is price the larger-ticket products somewhere between Brazil and US cost. The essential idea would be providing an online price that's cheaper than the US price plus round trip ticket price.


Whoever posted that happens to find Brazilian TP better than American has a whole different view of TP. Probably this person likes disintegrating Tp while wiping the butt or even blowing your nose. One of the reasons I will NOT live in Brazil Is the national quality of their best tp called Neve, it is an expensive crappy paper. Even public restrooms here have better TP than in Brazil, lets be honest.

Danielle R

It's true! Paper brands here are so inferior! I could see how someone would go to extreme lengths and buy Toilet paper abroad. I think the most requested items I have seen from people here (mostly women who will probably never get a chance to go abroad because they are cleaning people who make the equivalent of about $10-$20 USD per day) are Victorias Secret lotions. For some reason, this particular brand of lotion has taken off here and even the poorest of poor are sucked into the 'fancy' allure of Victorias Secret as a 'cosmetics' company. Many of them are not even aware that Victoria's Secret is first and foremost a lingerie store. Brazilians are also HUGE on brands --- even tacky ones. Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, GAP... in the GAP stores in Brazil, you can expect to pay at least three times the normal USD cost for jeans or the coveted GAP sweatshirt! Suckers! And it doesn't stop at retail! 'American' like desserts or so they think like cupcakes are also ridiculously overpriced, and you must consider that with all this overpriced stuff, the minimum wage is not even $200 USD per month! Try swallowing that and paying $5 for a 1.5 Liter of Coke or a $10 big Mac!

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