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February 08, 2010



"They say understanding humor is one of the final barriers in learning a language, so I think videos like these are a fun and useful barometer for gringos learning Portuguese."

That's what I thought too when struggling to understand 'Gato Fedorento' videos. Not getting the joke was driving me insane, and I searched endlessly for the punchline, watching the same video several times and faulting myself for not laughing...until I realized that there was no joke. Sometimes other cultures just enjoy particularly dry humor, and its not our fault for not getting it.


estes são muito bons mesmo. meu favorito é este http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6v60v0j1g, mas esse exige conhecimento das canções infantis brasileiras. começa em 3:58.

Elena Betts

I'm still at the stage of it going over my head completely. Can't wait until the day when maybe I'll get a laugh out of these videos! I mean, I understood what was happening in the first 30 sec of the first video, but I just didn't get half the words! That'll be the day...

Fabio Bossard

Só de ouvir alguém falando um palavrão em certas ocasionais já é engraçado.

Fabio Bossard

Eu nunca tinha pensado em alguns dos exemplos que ele deu como "prefeitura municipal", "vereador da cidade", mas outros como "verdade absoluta" eu diria que é uma enfase.

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