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June 02, 2009


mallory elise

New York, Rio, whats the difference right! as long as Eli will eventually be with you who cares.

if you are missing brazil, well, read my posts!!! hehe. we switched!

Ernest Barteldes

I have a similar sensation every time I go to the Pao de Acucar in Fortaleza, near my mother's apartment. It's a more upscale supermarket than the other
branches I've seen (the one in Copacabana? Yeeech), they have a great variety
of local fruit and a great selection of wines... every morning I'd get up at around 8 to buy freshly baked bread... a thrill!


You are such an American!!! But I'm such a Brazilian too... LOL I share the same feelings when I go back home... Bacalhau seco, biscoito passatempo, bombom sonho de valsa, suco de maracuja, manga, mamao papaya, pao de queijo, iogurte de ameixa e de coco... I gotta stop before I end up booking a ticket on the next flight to Brazil...


Oh, I know what you mean! Living in Spain I once in a while dream of Finnish food (especially the sweets, wonder why..) and when I visited Finland after three years I headed straight to the super and embarrased my friend by screaming of joy in front of the sweets section, and the rye bread, and the licorice ice cream..

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