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September 22, 2008



Yay! I'm really happy to hear that different things are picking up for you in the job department. The fazenda sounds like a very cool adventure even if it means a week away. I love that you are trying new and random jobs. I really do believe that every job teaches you something. Sort of like your "How it all began" series, I think that the seemingly random decisions we make lead us to bigger better things. I feel like if you keep trying stuff it will lead you to your career.

mallory elise

i know what you mean about foreigners finding common ground on being, well foreign. when i lived in france i had a few french friends, but for the most part my closest friends were americans, mexicans, and brazilians!!!

Melo Franco

I'm glad you're getting cool opportunities! Good luck!



Hi Rachel,

Just wondering how the fazenda-like teaching job worked out. I did something similar in a country house near Madrid, in Spain.

I'm considering moving to Brazil for a while, starting in February or March 2010. If you wouldn't mind passing on the info for that job, that would be excellent! (I have a ton of EFL teaching experience, by the way.)


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