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November 12, 2007



you are making me weeeepy!!

I couldn't watch this happen... I'd want to take the kid home...



Excellent writing. There is a long-term career somewhere for you with this. Think about it.

Keep your eyes and ears open. Good job.

lenore glickhouse

I was just on the phone with your dad and he told me to read this (I've been crazy busy and haven't checked in for a week or so). He is so proud of you and the story is vivid - and so sad.
Keep it up. And stay dry!!!
By the way, I met Sarah Chianese the other day (Rebecca's sister) who told me her daughter also studied at Tappan Zee. I told her who you were and how I knew about the school. The world is a very small place, as you've proven.


You do realize the irony of complaining about the weather and students and then jumping straight to talking about a poor homeless kid with no family or money?

PS, why does mom have facebook??? I miss when only college kids could get it.

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